Make A Donation

Support our mission and your community, by contributing today.

The ADIC has much to accomplish, yet virtually no funding. Rental income associated with the Almonte Clubhouse covers only basic clubhouse maintenance of the clubhouse itself. All other projects, outreach, and accomplishments are achieved through donated time and or donated money.

Please help us help you by making a tax deductible charitable donation to the Almonte District Improvement Club today.

Thank you in advance for your generous support of the ADIC and the Almonte Neighborhood.

Coming Soon

The Almonte District Improvement Club is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization/Public Benefit Corporation. Monetary contributions to the ADIC are therefore considered tax deductible charitable gifts.

The Almonte District Improvement Club is dedicated to bettering the lives and surroundings of Almonte District community members.

Through civic welfare, education, and community improvement, we make Almonte a better, safer, more enjoyable place to live!